Thursday, June 01, 2006


As seen at profgrrrrl’s who copied from Geeky Mom.

1. Do you use an alarm clock to wake up? well The Husband does, so yes by default.
2. What time does your alarm go off? 6:51
3. What sound does it make? standard obnoxious alarm sound
4. Do you hit the snooze button? How many times? noooooooooo and this is one of my biggest pet peeves. why set the alarm for 6:51 if you know you can wait until 7:15 to get up? let me have uninterrupted sleep until 7:15, please.
5. If you have a partner, do they have a separate alarm? no
6. Does your partner get up at the same time, earlier or later? same time, though I sometimes (he would say always) go back to bed after he leaves
7. Is your clock set ahead? If so, by how much? used to be. but the electric went out this weekend & I set it to CNN time
8. What's the first thing you do when you get up? change The Kid’s diaper (jealous, aren’t you?) and get him dressed
9. Do you eat breakfast? If so, what? yes, always. the only thing that makes me more grouchy than lack of sleep is lack of food. usually cereal and coffee during the week and eggs and meat on weekends.
10. How long does it take you to get ready? hmm. tough question. I often work at home and take all day to get ready (which begs the question, exactly what am I getting ready for - bed?). so pretend I need to get up, get ready and leave - I’d say 25 mins on average.
11. On the weekends, what time do you get up? pre-kid: somewhere between 11:00 and 2, post kid: 8:00 is sleeping in
12. Do you lounge or do you jump into action? lounge. definitely lounge with coffee and email.
13. In an ideal world, what time would you get up?
14. How many hours of sleep do you typically get? 7.5
15. How many hours of sleep do you want to get? 9.5

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