The return of 100 Facts in 100 (plus or minus 30) Days. I started Jun 5, so I’m not out of the running for 100 days but I’m pretty sure that is not going to happen. I’m no quitter, though, and I will give you 100 facts (whether you like it or not!)
46. I have terrible grammar and I cannot properly use commas (or other punctuation in the comma family) BestAdvisorEver is a big fan of the colon and semi-colon. He would insert them into our papers and I would delete them or sometimes replace them with commas. Once, he called me up and asked if my computer had a virus that replaced colons and semi-colons with commas (it took a while to figure out if he was serious or trying to hint that I should stop – the lab collectively agreed it was the latter) I should probably just buy a book or something and figure it out. Instead I either avoid them or tell myself that I’m just doing my part to make sure the journal production offices hire more English majors (you are welcome)