Thursday, August 17, 2006


I am so unbearably furious right now that I can barely type, talk, or think straight!

So, we received a phone call Tuesday saying The Kid could move from Room C to Room B. (Recall that we didn't like Room C teachers but another kid from The Kid's current room was to move into Room C, lets call him MeanKid well, because he is. Also recall that Room B was only acceptable but not our preference) Then we found out that NO other kids from his current class are going to Room B. We told her we were not happy about this. We are also not happy that he is moving already, we are not exactly sure that is best, especially since he is scheduled to go to a room with ALL new people with little transition time. We offered a reasonable solution - to stay in his current room until he turns 2 and then move to Room F if there was space (with the rest of his current classmates) or we'd take Room B if we had to.

She called a meeting. We went. She said Room F (& Room D) are filled to state capacity (apparently, the state requires X sq ft per kid), so it is an issue of fire code. Ditto on our current room. So basically she can do absolutely nothing for us. I cry. I'm not a crier. I don't cry when I read books, I don't cry when I watch Intervention, I usually get angry and mean. But here, I cry. Ok, so we are in Room B. The Kid will be fine. I know that children are amazingly flexible. I'm not happy but RationalApparently knows that things will be fine (MommyApparently is too busy crying to think straight.)

[semi-unrelated fact that you might not care about: the "policy" according to director is that all kids with a birthday up to & including oct move in aug. The Kid was born Oct 29. director said they decide on an individual basis for borderline (birthday, not personality) kids. Who is "they"? DoctorsKid was born Nov 4 and he is staying in current room). So we ask where is this policy written down so that we, as parents and people who should be included in "they" might know about this policy. It is not written down anywhere. Convenient.]

When we leave director's office, we hear CurrentTeacher saying to her colleagues "TheKid is supposed to go to Room B" .... (stuff we can't hear)...."I feel so bad for him"

So I cry. Actually I didn't really starting crying until I heard that. I was successfully holding back while in meeting with director.

The next day (Wed) we found out that she felt bad becausee Room B Teacher is on vacation this week. Yes, vacation. So there is NO transition time at all. We specifically asked director if he was visiting Room B Teacher this week and she said yes. We asked what the exact schedule was and she said she didn't know - the teachers organized that themselves. The Husband called director and left an angry message saying this was unacceptable and she better find a solution. He also called her boss and left a message saying the same thing. We decided to try to find a new day care. We called several places and set up a visit for one that same day. This entire paragraph happened before 9am.

I visited the new daycare, Super8. We've visited this place at least 2 times before. The problem is that our daycare is a Hilton - big gym, big pool, big outside playground (in the city!), etc. This is because it is part of a larger center, so all of these things actually belong to the center not just our daycare. Anyway, it is hard to want to send your kid to the Super8 when he is in the Hilton. Even if the manager is a complete total lying bitch. I was upset all day Wed, which meant I got a ton of work done. I didn't dare stop for a minute or I might burst into a fit of tears or despair or rage.

Director called during the day to say that Room B teacher is on vacation but will come in just to transition TheKid. When we pick him up, we find out that Room B teacher did visit and talk to him for 10 minutes. Nice fucking transition plan (director) you dirty little lying spineless bitch-ass whore. Sorry. Very sorry dear readers, was building up, must let out steam. (might edit later, too angry now)

Last night another mom, RunningMom, from the current room sent an email asking if we'd contribute to a gift for current teachers. And then asked if TheKid was moving rooms.

So I decide to tell her the whole situation and that we might leave all together.
This morning I get up, read my email as usual and see an email from RunningMom. She tells me that MeanKid 's parents found out that he was to be in a room alone with no kids from his current class (we of course know this because we skipped out of that room). They were angry and MeanKid is now in Room F with the rest of his classmates. I almost completely lose my mind when I read this. I paced all around the house & outside. I literally pulled out some of my hair. I swore. I cried. I called my sister. I called directors office to leave threatening messages but then hung up (thank you RationalApparently) We knew MeanKid would be alone BEFORE MeanKid's parents knew because we were the cause. So how exactly did MeanKid move to Room F? Did the SpaceFairies come add square footage to Room F last night? Doubt it. I am freaking out again as I write this. I very nearly walked up to day care and made a scene. I just might.

Oh, and the director is "at a conference" until next Wed. Suspicuously convenient, huh? (otherwise, I'd be there right now or maybe in jail already, who knows?)

What are we going to do about it? We already (before I read RunningMom's email) called the two assistants in TheKids current room and asked if they were interested in quitting and coming to work for us. One said she is!!! But we have to talk about money, of course. The problem is that we cannot really afford to pay more than we already pay for daycare which is $11,000/yr. That translates to about $5.25 per hour at 52 wks and 40 hours/wk. We cannot pay someone only $5 to care for our kid and (hopefully) she makes more than that at the daycare. We can definitley use less than 40 hr and less than 52 wks I already decided earlier this morning. After RunningMom's email I decided we are hiring her, I don't care if we have to pay $22,000 a year (and therefore have no down payment on a house that we will buy when I get a job next year and have no savings account, who needs a house anyway?) I hate this director and I hate this day care and I will do everything I can to: 1) get director fired and 2) steal a very excellent employee 3) prevent any other people from going to this daycare (which EVERYONE believes to be one of the best in the city - damn urban legends)

I feel slightly better now. Must work, meet with teaching mentor is a few hours and have made littlel progress since our last meeting in mid-July.

[ Post-doc, wanna move here? Sounds like you'd be an excellent babysitter (or whatever the proper word is these days). We have an extra bedroom.]

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