Saturday, August 19, 2006

mmmm, beer

So, we visited (interviewed?) PrettyGoodAssistantTeacher today (not Excellent Teacher Assistant - turns out she needs to make a whole lot more than we can pay her and she feels bad about quitting after she just told them she'd stay - note to all child care workers: they pay you $7/hr for extremely hard work, you owe them nothing but a reasonable notice that you are leaving. Anyway, this is all beside the pont.) She (age 19) lives at home with her mom. Her mother is very well spoken and I like her a whole bunch. PGAT's mom offered me a glass of water and I accepted. TheKid took a drink and said "mmmm, beer" Nice. I'm sure PGAT and her mom think we are some kind of drunks now. For the record, I do not drink beer (I do drink wine, margharitas, mimosas, shots, rum & coke, hot sake, etc but I do not drink beer.) Earlier this week we went to a baseball game and TheKid saw the beer guy and staring crying "want beer, want more beer!"

It's all part of the great circle of life... TheKid embarrasses you now, and when he's a teenager you get to return the favor.

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