Thursday, September 28, 2006

Dear Students

Dear Students

Sorry about today's class - I was just off. You see, I've got lots of things on my mind at the moment and I haven't slept in my own bed on a Saturday night since mid-August.* I've been to 3 states in 3 weeks and I'm just plain exhausted. Job applications are due soon and the stress of the academic job market is almost too much to take sometimes. Only one of the posted jobs is to-die-for and they didn't hire me last year so I'm pretty sure they won't be hiring me this year.** I'm barely ahead of class prep-wise. I think I have enough to get through the next class, but I'm not sure. So I spend all night working on slides and neglect TheKid, TheHusband, housework, and eating. I have some kind of back-ache that won't go away, I should really see a doctor but I don't have time. And, Oprah & Gayle's road trip kept me up all night - I didn't fall asleep until 1:30. So dear students, I apologize for talking too fast, having 3 errors in the slides (though as it turns out 1 of them was not an error - I just got confused and thought it was), and generally being unclear (that is what happens when one speaks in incomplete sentences).

But of course, I can't actually tell you this, so I just laugh and smile and move forward.


*No I haven't been sleeping in other people's beds either, I've been out of town! Dirty college minds.

**This is actually a lie that I'm trying to believe. I did apply last year and they did not hire me - this much is true. However the search was for people doing X with method Z and I do A with method B, so I just wasn't an option. SearchCommitteeMember said my application received a lot of attention but they really wanted area X so of course I assume that this year they want area A and namely, me. Hello foolish - of course SCM said that, what else would she say? "You really suck and we wouldn't hire you if you worked for free." - no of course not [don't mind me talking to myself here]. So I am desperately trying to convince myself that I have no chance...otherwise I'll have another breakdown in March when I do not get this job. Note to self: the job probably sucks anyway, just because the faculty are super stars and the location is amazing (cf. current location)

Sorry class didn't go so well for you. Make sure you take care of yourself - those back problems are nothing to mess with in my experience. Oh, and best of luck on the job search! I think many people should want to hire you for astronomical sums of money. :)
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