Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Settling down to Sleep

TheKid has always been a terrible, horrible sleeper. Like me, he takes a long time to unwind before dreamland arrives. I usually watch a little TV, something mindless. He plays, reads books to the baby dolls, talks to the train, cries until we come back, or some combination thereof. Most nights it takes about 60 minutes for him to fall asleep, sometimes closer to 90. Yesterday, he came up with a new strategy to prepare for bed -- he threw every * single * item in his entire room except the chair, desk, bed, and laundry over the gate. We ignored him - we certainly didn't want him to think this was an effective attention-getting strategy. (The gate apparently fell down at the end.) He cleaned it up (well, ok we cleaned up 80% and he picked up 20%) in the morning. Fun times.

Impressive. I've always struggled to fall asleep as well, but have never found the energy to throw all the items out of my room. But it's frustrating to be in bed, trying to rest, but unable to do so. So I understand and appreciate that feeling. I suspect the next time I'm wide awake at night, I'll picture a pile of stuff thrown outside a fallen gate. :)
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