Saturday, August 26, 2006

Closure on the Day Care Situation

The plan still remains (PGAT until Jan, then NeighborsDayCare) PGAT came over Wed, Thur, and Fri. She is pretty good (as reflected in her pseudonym) The Kid cried like a maniac when I left Wed and Thur. Friday, he said “bye bye mama before I even left.” Nice. We bought $60 worth of arts and crafts stuff for them to have art class every day. Looks like fun to me. The only thing we forgot was googly eyes. What we love most is that PGAT is so tidy. We came home early all week (mostly during nap time) and the whole house was clean, his books were neatly stacked, the blanket was folded at the foot of the bed. Just cute & clean. On Thursday we turned in a letter to day care telling them we quit. Ironically, the day before the director had called us to say that a spot opened up in a room with many of The Kid’s classmates. (Not in Room F if you are wondering, but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway, we were not changing our minds.) There are two bad things about having someone here. The most important, by far, is that I can no longer work at home. This really sucks. The second is that they use so much stuff – food, milk, paper towels. It is really amazing. I expected this but I guess, but I didn’t quite expect it to be so obvious. Oh well.

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