Tuesday, August 08, 2006


My office building flooded Saturday. I guess this is my #12. I heard a snippet on the radio that said something like "Hundreds researchers affected by a water main break at Isolation U" I did not realize until I arrived Monday that I was in fact one of those researchers. I'm actually in only 1 of 3 offices that received little damage - wet carpet but not enough to require mold removal, new carpet, baseboards, paint, etc (several other offices had a couple inches of water). Giant fans have been blowing since Saturday (I'm sitting in front of one right now, it feels kind of nice) The good news is that I (as of this morning at least) don't have to move my entire office. Everyone else (except my immediate neighbor) has already boxed up everything and is waiting to find out exactly where they are moving. The conference room is full of computers, neatly labeled waiting to be inspected and moved the temporary offices. I feel guilty sitting here working while others pack. I can't actually get anything done anyway - construction workers are coming and going. Colleagues are always coming by with updates. Yesterday we had 3 meetings. I would just stay home but we don't have internet yet (maybe this is my stolen wireless karma biting me in the ass), so I have to come in for an hour or so to meet deadlines and check email. No one seems to have answers to even the most basic of questions. I can only imagine the utter desperation and chaos during a real flood like Katrina.

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