Monday, October 09, 2006
uh, hmm, maybe this is why I don't have a job
In addition, I have requested letters of reference from:
BestAdvisorEver (bestadvisorever.thanks)
PostDocAdvisor (postdocadvisor.thanks)
NationalMedalofScienceGuy (someoneelse.thanks)
JustALittleCrazyProf (justalittlecrazyprof.thanks)
----------------------------------------------------------Hard to notice, isn't it -- I have the email of someone else who I no longer ask for letters (no reason, he just got bumped for people who have more face time with me these days) in place of NationalMedalofScienceGuy. Now, this is probably ok, NMSG already sent off all of his letters but still, come on apparently what is wrong with you -- 27 letters and you didn't notice!
So, what am I going to do now? Open those 13 letters I prepared but haven't sent off yet and fix them all. more fun times, at least I'm not in the bathroom.
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