Sunday, December 24, 2006

Revenge of the Poopies, apparently style

(title stolen from Phantom because, well becaue there is no other title that one could use)

TheKid is pretty well potty trained during day at home. Naps, overnight, and outings require diapers. We've told him to be sure to tell us if he has to pee or poop even if he is in a diaper. TheHusband is an enforcer and really emphasizes this. I on the other hand don't care. I've not met a 16 year old (without a disability) in a diaper yet so I'm guessing it will all work out.

That's the poopies and now for the revenge.

Yesterday TheKid was "taking a nap" where taking a nap means reading, singing, talking to baby dolls, etc in his bedroom alone. After about an hour or so he yells "all done night night" which is our cue to go get him. Up I go and I see a naked kid, toys and books all over (kinda like this only inside his room). Fine. But then I see the poopy. A poopy diaper (not as bad as your are imagining, just a little) laying on the floor and a bit that has fallen on the floor (and been stepped in) and another bit on the bed. There is clean dipaer laying on the floor. It appears he tried to change his diaper but that didn't work out and so he yelled for us. I of course blame this on the enforcer and ask him to lay off. TheKid and TheHusband take a shower to remove any remaining poopies. I opened a brand new contained of Lysol wipes and cleaned everything in the room, washed the animals baby dolls, and bedding. Threw away a book. Ah, what fun christmas memories these will be.

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